That is the STUPIDEST thing I've ever heard of!  I'll bet you cash it's BS!
Eating babies -- get real.  It's just an urban legend, and I'm glad it
hasn't deterred you from ferrets.  As for dairy, some of my ferrets like it
and some think it's gross.  It gives them all diarrhea, so they don't get
Re 3 v. 4 ferrets, I have six, but one is sick.  They do play in pairs, so
one is always odd-critter-out, but they rotate.  It's not always the same
one out.  I've observed that three-way wrestling confuses them and is
therefore avoided.  Think about it: in a heated tumble, how do you know who
to bite back?  Who did that?
On a superstitious note, my ferret population has always evened itself.
Anytime I have had an odd number, one dies or on is thrust upon me by way of
rescue.  I cannot explain it.
Conclusion: Go for it.
       Cher R. Clarke         |     Law Office of Cher R. Clarke
       [log in to unmask]     |
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                Support your volunteer fire department.
[Posted in FML issue 2026]