Hi everyone, My name is Sue.  I have 2 Ferrets, Flotsom who is 16 months,
and Jetsom who is 18 months.  The problem is that they smell so bad!!!  I
don't know what to do.  I have tried everything from pet deoderants to air
freshiners.  I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I could
do to solve this problem.  My family will make me get rid of them if I don't
get rid of the smell, that is the last thing I want to do!!!  I love my
babies to death!
Also, I have tried a number of treats, and Flotsom and Jetsom refuse to try
anything!!!  I have tried Bannana/Rasin treats, cat treats, vegetables and
meats!  The only thing they seem to enjoy is Ferretone... and I am afraid to
give them too much of it.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Thanks, Sue
[Posted in FML issue 2026]