I had invited Bob to stay with me in NY because it's convienient to NYC.
Two Fridays ago, after several email exchanges, the phone rings, and it's
Bob, calling to confirm it's ok to come over.  I assured him it was, but
before he hung up, he asked (in a very serious tone) "Now you *do* have
I assured him that I did indeed have two ferrets, and hung up wondering if
others had actually lied about having ferrets just to get him to stop by.
Then I immediatly called Westchester Rent-a-Pet ("free delivery in under 1
hour with setup or the first day's FREE"), and told them to bring over the
ferrets and equipment I had arranged for earlier in the week.
By the time .Bob showed up, I had set up the cage and accessories with the
ferrets in the room upstairs, scattered some litter on the rug, and pulled a
few pieces of carpet fibers out for that 'lived in' look.
Over the past week I have gotten to know Bob a little (mostly by keeping him
up late at night talking :) ), and there are a few things I think future
Bob-hosts and hostesses should know.  Like...
If he says.....                         it really means...
"I'll be back late."            "Sometime between dusk and dawn."
"I need to get some sleep."     "If Apple hardware repair realizes that the
                                 keyboard damage has been caused by repeated
                                 blows from my forehead striking the laptop,
                                 they may refuse to honor the warranty."
"Hey!" (high pitched yelp)      "There's a ferret trying to crawl into my
"I'll be back early."           "Sometime between dusk and dawn."
"HEY!" (higher pitched yelp)    "There's a *nippy* ferret trying to crawl
                                 into my shorts!"
I als3o found   out that  Bob is very  ticklish, especially if you
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In addition, he had many pictures of both his fur-kids and human-kids.  I
must say, after seeing the pictures, that they are a great looking bunch.
As far as rumors of  Bob being Elizabeth, if those pictures of Elizabeth
are really of him, well then I've got a whole new respect for what can be
done with makeup and lighting!!!
Reporting live from New York!
Ilena Ayala and the four fuzzies
Katie & Polly "Bob, how can we get into your shorts if you won't sit
and Paco and Sara (the guest ferrets) ("This plant isn't getting enough air
to it's roots!."  dig, dig, dig!...:-O)
[Posted in FML issue 2026]