Hi all,
ferret reference
Sunday evening on WGN's "7th Heaven-Choices", there were two adorable
ferrets.  I didn't tune in until about 15 minutes into the show so I don't
have a clue as to where the family in the program resides, but I am assuming
it must be CA as they mentioned twice in the program that ferrets were
illegal.  It was also mentioned that ferrets are very easy to take care of,
"just put them in a shoe box and throw them some bread crumbs".  I got
rather "heated" over that remark, but the show sorta-kinda redeemed itself
later, when the young minister asked if he could have the ferrets, that he
felt that they would be good friends for him.  I still feel, however, that
the remarks made were stupid and made by persons who have no clue as to the
care required by our furry little friends.
Daisy's surgery
To refresh everyone's memory: about a month ago, I posted that Daisy had a
dislocated elbow and that the vets were suggesting that her leg be amputated
rather than placing pins to help secure the joint.  It was later determined
that amputation was not necessary that one pin would suffice.  Daisy went in
for her surgery 2 weeks ago.  She is to remain as calm and as still as
possible (try getting a healthy, energetic one year ferret to do this) .  I
have her in the infirmary cage which is a lot smaller than the one she
normally lives in, so she is very limited in movement.  I have adjusted her
hammock so that she does not have to climb in order to get into it.  I have
been allowing her some out time both in the morning and evening so that she
can strengthen her muscles.  At first, she would take a couple of steps then
tumble, but she has learned to take small little hop-steps and is getting
around quite well.  She moves almost as quickly as she did before the
dislocation occurred, she will probably always have a funny little gait but
at least her leg was saved.  She is beginning to do her little war dances
when she is allowed out, though when she starts dancing, I put her back into
her little cage so that she will not injure the healing bones.  The vet
wants to make certain that the bones and pin fuse well.  She will not be
allowed to play with her friends for at least four more weeks.
I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all of you who posted
regarding Daisy.  Your suggestions and caring thoughts meant so much.  You
all are the greatest.
Take care.  Kodo-we will not give up the fight.
Margaret Ann, Scott and the kids: Princess, Harley, Scooter, Coco, Merlin,
Rusty, Fancy,
Daisy, AC, Dweezil, Hot Rod and  Frosty     ........ Gismo in loving memory
[Posted in FML issue 2025]