Hello all,
I just wanted to let you know that after about 90 hours, Fatso has been
found!  He had escaped the brand new home that his owner moved into on
Thursday night.  Just this evening, he was found!  He'd wandered into a trap
(humane) set by a neighbor just this evening.  No idea where he had been
between Thursday and tonight, but at this point I don't think we care.  His
owner is so happy she's in tears.  She was sure she'd never see him again,
and even I was beginning to lose hope for her.  But no more!  He's home,
safe and sound.  He doesn't look any skinnier (too bad, he could have used a
diet!  <grin>, and appears to be unharmed.  I asked if he came home with a
look on his face like, "that was fun, mom!  I had an adventure!" but
apparently he did appear a bit shocked by his experience.  Not harmed, just
kind of like, "Oooohh, I really don't think that running away is all that
much fun, after all...."
Needless to say, the new house is even more ferret proofed than it had been.
Just another reminder that you can be the most responsible ferret owner on
the planet, and these things happen.  She did her best, but Fatso got out...
even I had an escapee a few years back, and I truly understand how terrifying
it can be.  But in this case, Fatso is home, safe and sound.  I just wanted
to share that with all of you, in case you were worried!
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2025]