Shalom from Israel to all fml'ers!
How r u all doing ?  Long time since I've posted here but rest assure i'm
monitoring you on a regular basis:-)
Did any one mentioned Israel here yesterday?  oh yea,supreme court outlawed
alligator wrestling as a spectator event.  Hope all of the judges u'll ever
deal with (especially u californians and bob off coarse) will be so
enlighten as they were.
Btw, I'm ferret sitting now for 2 little ones so its a total of 5 fuzzies
here now and only God knows what's going to be here soon since beverly's
(the jerusalem zoo zoologist) EB now has 7 beautiful kits.  Don't think i
can resist the temptation:-)
Ok, enough babbling, promise to start posting here again.
Yaniv Rottenberg.
[Posted in FML issue 2024]