Hi.  I'm known to my friends as Zeke the Weasel.  I'm new to the list.
Well, actually I'm not really new because I just really never got time to
say anything.  Anyway, I have two ferrets.  One sable name Zeke (named after
me) and the other one is an albino named--well, he has a lot of names to
call him...The one we mostly call him is Albino because, you know, he is an
albino ferret.  The other name we call him is Timon (named after the meerkat
on The Loin King) and the other is Ziggy, it was the name when I first got
him.  I got them both at the same time.  If you were wondering why my name
is Zeke the Weasel...is because I got it from----well, you can really look
at my homepage to find out.  It's at
Well, I'll tell you about some of my ferret stories about my ferrets
sometime.  Bye!
                    -Zeke the Weasel
P.S. My e-mail is [log in to unmask] and my homepage is at
[Posted in FML issue 2049]