Hi everyone,
Well I've been extremely stressed this week because my three little fuzzits
have had lots-o diarrhea, some of it green, all of it seedy, so I feared the
worst (ECE)- and today it was officially confirmed by my vet.
They were apparently exposed to two asymptomatic carriers last week (new
ferrets of my sister's boyfriends who came over for a play visit).  These
two are still asymptomatic, but all three of mine came down with ECE two
days after the visit.  At first my vet (a wonderful, caring man) thought it
was either gastroentiritus or one of the helicobacter or camphobacter
infections, but those quickly got ruled out with blood tests and stool
I've been given amoxycillan to prevent secondary infections along w/ a small
dose of flagyl and peptobismol for now, plus I've already made a pretty
basic Duck soup (w/ soaked/blended Totally Ferret, chicken baby food,
vanilla Ensure and Pedialtye)- they are amenable to this and will lick it
off my finger, but they HATE the meds.  Any tips on how to effectively get
them to take meds besides forced scruffing?
Also, my vet said to keep their weight up, try offering them another blend
of stuff such as whipping cream, eggs, pureed beef liver, etc. but I haven't
heard much about these things - any comments on whether this works to keep
ECE babies' weight up?
Finally, I would love to hear posts from everyone who has experienced ECE to
see what the general results you've expereinced are (and what kind of
meds/food/treatment did you give?)- I got the FAQ from Bill, and know there
is a fairly low mortality rate and I want to make sure my three girls
survive!  I also heard that they can carry the virus for up to 6 months and
to isolate them from all other ferrets for this entire time, is this true?
Please post any and all suggestions, I'm an extremely worried fert-mom!!!
Thanks everyone and please hug and kiss your fuzzies tonight w/ wishes for
my Jasmine, Casey and Sammy to pull through!!
Jen & her three "pooped" babies
[Posted in FML issue 2049]