I was appalled the other day when I went inside Debbie's Petland in the
Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua, NH.  Large ferrets, probably 6 of them, in a
very tiny plexiglass enclosure, with some kind of chips for bedding.  These
poor things could barely move.  One of the larger ones had to sleep in the
litter box as the space was so limited.  I asked to pick up one.  He bagan
to wretch, and his coat was very dry and poor.  I asked if they ever got
out.  The answer was no.  Also, I was told that their average life span was
age 10, they were great with babies and young kids,and maybe one in 100 ever
would get cancer in their lifetime.  I wanted to buy them all it was so very
pitiful !!!!  I have been told that they have been asked to clean up their
act but they refuse to do so.  Any suggestions?  Phone calls Maybe?
[Posted in FML issue 2047]