'Lo all.
Got a small problem/question about Lady. Here's what happened...
On Saturday, I was getting a shower, and Lady decided it was time for her to
get one too.  Well, since I am one of those people that cannot wake up
unless tha shower is almost scalding, we don't let her in to play in the
water.  So, Daryl was playing with her, to keep her occupied, and he went to
pick her up.  Thinking that it was still a game, Lady jerked away.  Well,
all Daryl got was a handful of ferret fur.  Yanked it right out.  Lady
didn't squeal or anything, and she did not appear to be in any pain.  But,
there is a bald spot (and I mean bald as a baby's be-hind) about the size of
a half dollar on her side.
So, is this normal?  I mean, for it to come right out like that??  Could she
still be shedding?  Will it grow back soon?  My only experience with hair
loss on a weezil is with an adrenal tumor.
Anyone who can help, e mail me directly!
Jess, Chunky-butt (Squid) and The mighty bald weezil (Lady)
[Posted in FML issue 2045]