Hey all,
The other day I noticed that Taos my little fert with a BIG attitude had a
awful looking tail.  She was really poofed out for some reason so that is
why I noticed it.  The skin was black and red and had flakes of what looked
like blood all over it.  I called the vet and he wanted to see her right
away incase it was Gangrene.  Taos has always had a floppy tail.  She could
only ever lift about 20% of it, The rest just flopped.  Back in January the
vet said she did have some feeling in it.  Now she has none.  It is not
Gangrene, but it does not look good at all.  It is almost as if she doesn't
know she has a tail so doesn't clean it.  The diagnosis... To amputate her
tail.  She will be a little bob-tail ferret.  Poor little thing.  She is SO
small already now she will look even smaller without a tail.  I think she
will be fine, She cant feel it anyway.  I just hope all the other ferrets
don't make fun of her, and still let her join in the ferret games.
There was some talk a while back about mentally challenged ferrets.  One of
ours is defiantly challenged.  Elbert is abut 3 moved behind all the others.
He just has this glassed over happy look in his eyes.  He forgets a lot of
things like biting to hard.  He will get wound up and CHOMP.  One yell and
he lets go and gives this oops look.  Where Hugo's eyes are telling me I
know exactly what my limits are and I am going to push them.  He is one
bright ferret.  There is a very obvious difference in them.
Well that is it for now.  Take care of you fuzzys and give them all big wet
slobbery kissed.  They love that!  Really they do !
Sue and....
Elbert - " I'm not slow I'm just happy.  Nor where is my treat!"
Hugo - " you said I couldn't get on THAT table you never said
anything about THIS one"
Taos - "COME BACK HERE!!  I will fight you, I will fight you all!"
Sammie - "Mom, will you pick me up and let me sleep in your lap?"
Izzy - "I am allowed on Whatever table I want.  I am the Queen!"
Carlos (husband) - " NO NO NO not this table I am working!"
[Posted in FML issue 2045]