On Monday August 25 at approximately 10:30 am, Beavis was put to death to be
tested for rabies.
On approximately Aug 15, Beavis reportedly bit a neighbor.  The neighbor
reported the bite and requested that the ferret be tested.
On Friday Aug 22, the Health Department ordered that the ferret be turned
into a local vet's office first thing Monday morning or they would take
legal action against the owners.  This morning, the owner turned Beavis in
as required.  I asked the vet to not kill the ferret immediately until I had
a chance to talk to Bill Van Curan at the Health Department.
Mr. Van Curan would not take my calls, and I was told he was out of the
office when he was indeed there.  He also denied receiving any of the
multitude of informational faxes I know were sent to him.  At about 10 am
Van Curan called the vet's office and ordered them to immediately kill
Beavis.  The vet complied.
As required by law, the head will be sent to the State Labs for testing and
the remainder of the body cremated.  They will turn over the ashes to me and
I will return them to the owner for proper burial.
A number of people made truly herculean efforts over the weekend to try to
save Beavis.  I want to especially thank Beth, who was my touchstone; she
would not let me give up.  Jean and Marie's courage was inspirational.  Bev
is my best friend as always.  Troy Lynn, and others I did not talk to
directly provided the stats and official info.  Next time we will not fail.
(Beavis joins Cocoa, the Lake County ferret, over the Rainbow Bridge, where
they dance merrily and poop on the health department officials' heads.)
Linda Iroff
North Coast Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 2045]