I wrote last week about my ferret Blizzard losing hair at her shoulders.
Another problme has developed.  After taking her to the vet on Fri and
confirming either adrenal tumors or thinning hair due to the pred.  she is
on, she stopped urinating, defacating, eating and drinking.  My vet doesn't
take emgergencies, so SUn morning I had a heck of a time finding a ferret
knowledgable vet.  I finally found a great vet and she thinks Blizzard is in
renal failure.  SInce Sat at 6pm, Blizzard hasn't urinated.  We've pumped
her with fluids and she still hasn't urinated.  For those of you who pray,
please pray for my little buddy.  She is only five and I will have a hard
time losing her.  Thanks
Shelley Straight
Virginia-Maryland Regional
College of Veterinary Medicine
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[Posted in FML issue 2045]