For all you baby ferret owners out there.  Just wanted to give everyone a
little hope and inspiration concerning kits that bite.  I have four little
kids ranging from 15weeks to 2 and a 1/2 years.  None of my older ferrets
are bitters although they were all known to bite and nip when they were
younger.  Anyway, my baby, Escabar, bit me really hard on the second
day............i decided then that i was going to make sure he did not
become a bitter.  In the last few weeks i have made it a point to spend time
playing with him by himself, only giving him the opportunity to get a good
grip a couple of times.  When he starts to go for flesh i tell him no and
then give him the back of my hand, which i know he can't bite.  It is
working well.
Keep Hope Alive
Ryan---bear, lyre (pronounced lera), brain, and escabar
[Posted in FML issue 2018]