It is so good to hear that reporters on the other side of the world are as
diligent as they are over here (sigh).
This is just typical of reporters - I used to fly them all over the place to
do their stories (read : beatups).They get a particular slant on a story,
and any other opinions or facts are irrelevent.
What it comes down to is sheer LAZINESS to do any form of research!
You mentioned feral ferret colonies at SJ and NZ, but if you read my post a
few days ago there is a possibility of more - I am trying to get more
details of these apparent cases from the said official and will post when I
hear something.
        Paul Murfett.
PS. I will em those people who replied to my earlier post soon ( I've been
on a four day trip)
[Posted in FML issue 2015]