Just to let everyone know what is going on.  I went back to Missouri because
my home hematocrit kit indicated my 'crit dropped to 8.25 (Tiny women on
their menses are above 14.  Most guys are about 16).  I went home for some
more of the A Neg stuff.  I didn't mention this before because I thought too
many people were involved in my health affairs (I do love you Elizabeth),
because it was a sudden decision, and because I didn't want to hurt anyones
feelings.  I only mention it now because of some email sent to me from
several people that said I was hiding in a motel room, filled with some type
of depression.  HO!  I assure you all I am *not* depressed.  Pissed maybe,
but depression is not a problem in my mental background anymore than it is
for the average person.  Bob is definately NOT bimodal.  At the moment, I am
beside myself with excitement regarding the data I've been generating at the
museums, and any one the handful of DC people I have met so far will confirm
my general excitement over the stuff, and the difficulty in shutting me up
once I start to talk about it.  This stuff is *good!* and I'm gonna be
published, he he he!!!
I had intended to sneak off for some blood and then run back and visit some
more DC people before I went to NY.  Now that my cover is blown, I will take
a couple of days off before heading off to NY.  I *will* visit those few
people in the DC area that I missed before I return to MO; promise.
In other matters, I told Elizabeth to no longer post to the FML using my
email address.  She will have her own at the start of the semester, and she
can join the FML or not as she desires.  This has come about because of
several emails I have recieved suggesting she and I are the same person, or
that I am writing her posts.  The people suggesting such things are dumber
than the CaCa Fish and Gestapo; Elizabeth is quite capable of writing things
herself and needs no help from me.  One person suggested that because her
style and complexity of writing is similar to mine, we must be the same
person.  Another person said they knew I was writing at least some of the
posts because they were in my style.  That is about as dumb as a condom in a
nunnery.  Her style is similar to mine because I taught her how to write and
have been editing her work for years.  My scientific style is very similar
to that of my committee chairman, and my non-scientific style is very
similar that of my mother's, who taught me how to critically write before I
was in high school.
Elizabeth writes poems, songs, short stories, and yes, the occasional FML
post.  Many times she has brought her work to me for examination and review,
and I have edited it (not the FML pieces, however).  It is natural for her
style to have been influenced by my own.  To suggest I am writing her work
is a tremendous put-down of a bright and talented young woman; it is
condescending and suggests that just because someone has articulate and
educated writing, they cannot be 18 years old, or female.  This harms
Elizabeth and offends me.
I know many of the public comments were meant to be funny; even I laughed at
BIG's remarks.  However the private ones are no joke.  They are offensive
and mean-spirited and need to stop.  Let me say it once and for all,
Elizabeth writes her own stuff, and I have no need to hide behind her name
to make fun of myself; a review of my past postings is suffencient to
demonstrate I have no problem in that regard.  When a person is honest about
the events in their lives, and make fun of themself numerous times, it is
simply not logical to assume they need to invent a persona to do the same
Please stop these rumors, and regard anyone who offers rumors suggesting I
am suffering from depression, or I write for Elizabeth with utmost
skepticism.  If such rumors are offered to you, consider them untrue, and
consider anyone who continues to offer them as "truth" to be a lair.
Forward the mail to me, and I will deal with it.  You know, if you are
concerned, just ask me.  With a few exceptions, I am open to answer just
about any question from almost anyone.
Since I am home, I can go through the stacks of email and answer some
questions, which will be offered in the next days.
Bob C and the 17 Bouncing Ferts of Joy
[Posted in FML issue 2004]