dear diary,
well I was very hot today and my mom gave me some ice in a baggy(;.>) I
layed on it and really liked it!after the ice melted I poped the bag and
made a big mess!  oh fun!  I stupidly make A mestake when I told you my
e-mail It is [log in to unmask] That is all of it I put a I at the end(oops)well
anyways I got to be let out for alotgether 2 times.I got to stay out two
hours each time.I managed to spill the garbage,try to kill the goldfish,or
more like play with them!I once again spilled my food all over and wasted
alot of food(who cares!) I wished someone would have e-mailed me but I gave
the wrong address!  so I gave you the right one!  I am doing very well and
if anyones wants to talk or give comments,or anything WRITE ME!  once again
the address is at the top of the letter and I will give it to you again!
[log in to unmask]
ok there it is bye friends and diary,chupa
[Posted in FML issue 2003]