I went with a group of other Mass. ferret people to Bob Rudich's wake last
night.  Besides his wife Ann, Bob's parents and brother were there (along
with numerous other family and friends).  Bob had a lot of spirit and will
be greatly missed.  What can you say when someone dies young; it isn't
supposed to work out that way.  Life is precious; it really makes you think
about what's important and not to take it for granted.
Thank you very much to everyone who has responded so far from the 2nd round
of the auction.  I will send out information within a day or so about where
to send checks etc, and will also post winners soon.  It's taking me a
little longer than I had hoped.
There will be one more round of the auction, and that will be it for a
while.  Round 3 will help the Calif. legalization efforts and the South
Florida shelter, which is in severe need of funds at the moment.  We hope to
be able to use an automated system to avoid some of the problems we had with
this one (which are still being worked on), but that is not certain yet.
We have a number of wonderful items for Round 3, including a hand made cage,
ferret afghans, ferret fun house, address labels, different adobe software
and more!  Am happy to accept more donations.  Thanks again to everyone who
has been so generous so far.
[Posted in FML issue 2003]