>Paula A Bryder <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Florida Rabies - DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION!!!!
>Correction to alpachi's erroneous statement that Florida is ferret friendly.
>Florida is a Kill & Test state!  Our babies are legal, but there are
>horrendous stories within the last few years of ferrets executions.
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.  Thanks Paula, for correcting my oversight and
apparently too general statement, I was speaking strictly of all the laws
regarding ferret possession (there are none, even LESS than for dogs).  In
Florida, there are no permits, licenses, required shots, certificates, etc
and you can own one or a hundred.  Very ferret friendly in that respect and
this was the respect to which my answer was given.
And this can certainly lull someone into thinking EVERYTHING IS OK.
However, a ferret is considered like any pet UNTIL it bites someone.  Then
it dies automatically.  All the certificates or papers in the world won't
guarantee to stop it.  Very tragic.  More so because it is completely
unnecessary and vets lament universally, but mostly in private.
Why is it so hard to get vets to PUBLICLY say what they say in private?
Some vets down here actually recommend grinding down ferret's teeth!
We all add our bits of knowledge and shared experiences to this forum.  It
is what makes it work.  My posts are not Bible, I do not profess them to be,
nor are anyone else's.  Oddly, I was the only one that bothered to respond
to that post in a timely fashion.  Your post is a little late, but better
late than never.  It is our pooled efforts that provide such value.
Thanks for the useful and cautious addendum and bringing to the table
another important ferret issue.  There are many.
best wishes,
[Posted in FML issue 2002]