>I'm sorry to report that Maggie's particular strain of the ferret math virus
>is particularly contagious!!
>It may even
>be two ferrets-- she has to talk with the family.  Heaven forbid I should
>ever meet Maggie in person-- who knows how many ferrets I'd end up with ;^ )
>So this is fair warning-- Anyone NOT dooking for ferret math, avoid all
>contact with Maggie <g>
I'm glad that there is a lot of water between Maggie and me, all I do is
read her post ( by the way Maggie wounldn't miss them for the world.) and
ferret math hit me big time.
8 days ago I was owned by 21 ferrets, (not counting the rescues) today it is
27. Wow, I always said that if you had 5 ferrets there was not much more
work if you had fifty. I don't quite think I'm ready for that yet.
Please somebody else get the virus so it doesn't hit me so hard again for a
Thank God that they are all healthy and fit and cheeky,
Health and happiness to everyone and their "families"
PS Thanks BIG for doing such a great job with the FML my day wouldn't be
complete without  it.
[Posted in FML issue 2001]