I am a bit worried about my newest addition.  I received Banana as a gift in
Feb.  She is a cinnamon...about four months old now.  At that time there was
an area of fur matted near the right of the anal opening.  The pet store
shaved the fur in that area so we could see what it was.  It appeared as if
some feces had dried and created a sore.  I treated it for the next few days
with first aid cream (neosporin) and washing.  When I took her to the vet a
week or so later for her shots the area was healed over.  The vet mentioned
that it could have just been a sore or an erruption that occurred because
all of the scent gland was not totally removed.  I noticed tonight that the
sore is back or reopened and that it is ozzing puss.  I am quite worried.
Has anyone had a similar experience with the scent gland still partly in
tact.  She didn't come from a big ferret breeder...just a local one here in
Minnesota.  Any advice would be appreciated...I am wondering if I should
take her back into the vet and if it is the scent gland...if I should call
the breeder and have them pay for it.
Cynthia and the furry heard (Malan, Jaz, Einstein, Lynk & Banana)
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[Posted in FML issue 2251]