Hi Everyone!
I need some help!  My shelter volunteer, Ann, posted about a project that
the Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association is launching, Ferrets Across
America.  I will post in complete detail about the project shortly, but the
general idea, if you missed the post, is that we're offering a service to
find people across the U.S.  who would be willing to help get fuzzies from
one place to another when the need arises.  Right now, I am URGENTLY seeking
some help.  If you have already volunteered for the project, and I thought
you could help, you should have received an e-mail from me.  However, at the
moment, we have some holes in the trip that need to be covered immediately!
We have two, possibly three, ferrets that are coming from southern Florida
up to Pennsylvania (one is going then up to Massachusettes).  The ferrets
are leaving Florida Friday evening, and will be coming to South Carolina.
From South Carolina to northern Virginia, we are still unconfirmed on that
part of the trip.
If you live in South Carolina (or are willing to be in South Carolina
somewhat LATE on Friday night (I *assure* you that the people that you're
meeting are harmless!  <g>), please contact me a.s.a.p.!  It will be
somewhere along I-95 in South Carolina... that is negotiable.
At the very least, we need someone who is willing to pick up these ferrets
and house them for a day or so until someone can bring them farther north.
Please understand that one of the ferrets is an Arcadia ferret and needs to
be handled carefully--I can provide you with more information on that.
Ideally, we're looking for someone who is able to pick them up late Friday
night in SC and then bring them as far north as possible on Saturday.
For more information, e-mail or call me ASAP!! I have to have the details
confirmed by 10 p.m. Thursday night. Please help us out. If this transport
doesn't happen Friday, we aren't sure when they will be able to come from
southern Florida again--this is our best shot for a while.
To reach me, call (610) 367-0525 THURSDAY, you'll have to leave a message.
I will be checking the messages all day long.  Please leave a phone number
and time that I can call you back, and also tell me on the message where you
would be able to pick them up and take them to.
Thanks everyone!!  The complete details of Ferrets Across America will be
posted very soon--let me get this transport settled first!  :-)
[P.S.] [posts combined - BIG]
Sorry, I forgot to mention about the ferrets that need to be picked up for
the transport... If you live in Georgia, near enough to I-95, and are
willing to pick them up and take them in for the night or whatever, that's
fine too... Mostly, getting them that far north is great, but they really
need a place to stay for the night so they aren't stranded on I-95!  (as if
we'd let that happen...) So, while S.  Carolina is great because it's
farther north, anyplace is better than noplace at all!
Thank you all very much!!!
Kymberlie Becker Barone
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2251]