Hi All,
Laura wrote:
>Our shelter is dealing with a sticky issue.  There is currently a dispute
>between two separating parties over the ownership of a single ferret...
>This repossessed ferret, after a veternary examination, was determined to
>be borderline malnourished.  It seems reasonable to expect that the second
>ferret will be malnourished also.  Our director had a meeting with the judge
>after a hearing and was referred to the local police department.  The police
>dispatcher was uncooperative and he was not allowed to make a written
>complaint or even talk with a police officer.
This really made me see red!  I have been working at a police department for
13 years.  If any of us would have treated a citizen like your director was
treated, we would have been written up.  You, as a citizen, have the right
to speak with an officer, he/she may inform you that the repossession issue
is a civil matter and he/she can't get involved.  The malnourished ferret
issue is different, this is animal cruelty/abuse and the officers can help
on this matter and a written report can be initiated.  I suggest that your
director return to the police department and ask to speak with the watch
commander or supervisor, whoever the officer in charge is referred to in
your city, and file a complaint against the dispatcher and also initiate a
written report.  Please don't be afraid to file a complaint against the
dispatcher or officer, and don't allow them to push your wants aside.  If
the watch commander or supervisor is unwilling to speak with you, ask to
speak to his Captain, then the Chief, then the , City Manager/Mayor, in
other words continue up the chain of command until your needs are met.
Most police departments go by the term "To serve and protect".  Sometimes, a
member forgets that simple phrase and forgets that not everyone he
encounters is a lawbreaker, in fact the opposite is true.  We deal with more
law-abiders on a daily basis than law-breakers.
I am posting this to both Laura and the FML in case there are others out
there whose needs have been pushed aside by the local authorities.
Bob Jacobs and family,  I am so sorry about Kodo and now Jake.
Take care all and for Kodo-we will not give up the fight
Margaret Ann and her babies and of course Scott
[Posted in FML issue 1999]