Hi Mercedes, et.al;
>I noticed Tobi starting to lose weight.  His activity level is somewhat
>lower.  But that is not all the problem.  Tobi started to cry at night.  It
>sound like a complaining heeeeemmmmmm.  I also noticed that even though Tobi
>is skinnier around the waist, he is not proportioned.  What I mean is that
>his chest area larger.
The weight loss might be a summer thing, but the crying at night is strange.
I would have to ask how hot is the house?  Ferrets cannot live with heat in
the 90's, a fan does NO good as they do not sweat...
Also, what foods do you give him, what kind of litter do you use?  (cedar
shavings can cause respiratory diseases)...
A lot of things can be going on, but the total picture has to be looked at:)
When in doubt, see a ferret knowledgable vet & go over all aspects of his
                 Gary & the gang of fur ->
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[Posted in FML issue 1999]