Three of my four girls are/have been MF ferrets.
Ootz is four years old, healthy, active, obstinate, hyper, domineering,
loving and gentle.
Winnie was loving and gentle, a little on the lazy side.  She crossed the
Rainbow Bridge(assisted) about a year and a half ago.  She had lymposarcoma,
it took her quick.  About a week from onset of symptoms until we made the
decision.  She was two at the time.
Possum is a little over a year old.  She is a little on the lazy side also,
put is active and loving and healthy.
I can't remember where Doris is from but I remember it's not from MF.
I don't blame MF for Winnie's disease.  I cherished and loved her while she
was here.  She was a semi-rescue.  The petshop we got her at had a new
shipment of babies and Winnie.  She was several times the size of the new
ones so I bought her, afraid that people would overlook her for the babies.
Would I buy a MF ferret again, yes, mostly because the stores I go to
seem to do business with them a lot.
[Posted in FML issue 1989]