Just opened my mail for the first time in a bit and find I have a lot of
letters.  Still have to catch up on the FML's since sometime last week, too.
If you are waiting to hear from me, I apologize, but my tonsils are doing
their regular routine of slow abcessing again so to get anything done I have
to trim my work load down while the fevers last.
The good news is that 'Chopper is getting past her recent bad relapse with
ECE and secondary infections so we've been weaning her meds away -- two gone
and two more to go, and Spot is stabilized at a reasonable level.  Next week
we'll try a different antibiotic on him.  I've been allergic to one of
hisfor most of my life for internal exposure, but now I even get rashes and
hives wherever it winds up being splattered during the giving so have to
change clothes and sponge bathe or shower multiple times a day.  Sigh.  They
are sure worth it.
[Posted in FML issue 1998]