I would like to comment on the "Business" at Marshall Farms.  I know that I
will illicit more than some unhappy feeling.  But to Alpaca, just what do
expect to accomplish with your remarks:
Melissa wrote:
>My note: believing that US pet buyers will fork out the extra $$ just to
>get a microchip ferret is pretty naive.  I don't think they would, and I
>don't think MF would microchip 'at cost' so the price hike would probably
>be higher than $10/ferret.
Since I already dropped you a personal line thanking you for your input,
I'll refrain from doing it again.  So my questions to you is: Do you really
believe this?  The prices for MF ferrets LOCALLY vary from $100 - 140 and
there is little competition with other breeders.  Do you really think
another ten bucks would affect MF's strangle hold on the market?  THEY set
the pace, not the kid in the store amazed at the giant hamsters.
If someone was knocking on my door giving me business advise.  I would not
heed your words.  But would carefully listen to the person with the open
mind and not the open mouth.  Marshall Farms has entertained success for
almost 50 yrs.  They have not lasted Chronologically because of bad animal
or business habits.  No indeed.  They have lasted because of their business
protocol, and their responsibility to their breeding program.  I purchased
my first two Ferrets (Marshall Farms)at a pet store.  I was pleased to get a
INFORMATIVE BOOKLET, feeding instructions, shot history, Vet health
certificate, cage information, birth document, and free food.  All this for
$119.00 if you do not recieve these things clearly marked with the Marshall
Farms logo...then I would suspect that the "Pet Store" is to fault.
Sir....I challenge you to tell us where you can get that for $119.00?
(of course I know that the "Ferret Shelters" do this for less, but I
could not locate any ferrets in the Shelters. They were all "out".)
Most Breeders (small) were so backed up with requests....they don't even
call you back.I have talked with Breeders (large) that wanted no less than
$350.00 for their kits, and some were $500.00 and up.Of course you couldn't
"pick out" your baby...a "jobber" did it, and most of these pricey breeders
babies were "Farm raised".  Not unlike Marshall Farms.
And in your referral's to "Puppy mills".  I would like you to come up with
evidence that the existing mills have been around for 50 + years.  You will
not.  Puppy mills are short term( ten years or less).  Most owners can't
hang with the stress of running such a "business" for more than a few years.
I understand Marshall's "closed door policy".  Its a good one, too!  (here
at our Corporation, no one is allowed in our work area, not delivery people
or customers...it is not for insurance purposes....we just don't want people
nosing around, and our company has been in business for 35+ years).
stand behind our products 100%, and so does Marshall Farms) For the
record...we don't breed any animals only manufacture We need to stick close
to the things that can be changed...instead of pointing fingers and going
"boogey man, boogey man".  Kill and test, can be changed, Marshall Farms
cannot.  But they are willing to read the FML and talk with reasonable
people who have some suggestions.  I would like that as a business owner...I
love the idea of trading one surgery for another to defray cost.  What a
great suggestion!  I have a non-desented Ferret, and he smells just like my
desented one.  Plus it would be less invasive stress on the babies....its a
good thing!
[Posted in FML issue 1997]