Okay folks, how's this for intelligent discussion about Marshall Farms.
I've been half-reading the issue, only half since I've heard it for months
and months.  Someone (Sterling, I think) posted a great post saying that if
you think MF needs to change, then organize and make change.  Ferrets can't
fight for themselves.  It does us and ferretdom NO good to bicker back and
forth on the FML, whether MF is reading or not.
As you all may know, I'm the one doing the new web site for ferret rights
(formerly called the State by State page).  It takes some time, I'll be
honest, to do what I am doing, but it's well worth it to save ferrets'
lives.  There is NO reason that people interested in doing something about
Marshall Farms can't do exactly what I am doing in memory of Kodo.
The way it should be done is this.  Someone with time (but it can be done
even by someone who works FT) and experience in web design, plus a strong
interest in the MF issue (preferably a non-biased person; I know there are
some of you out there like me that just want to know the truth), should
volunteer to do a web site.  THIS SITE IS NOT TO POST MF BASHING!!  You
could get yourselves into trouble that way, guys.  So anyway, the volunteer
will put a post on FML that anyone interested in finding out exactly what MF
is doing, plus is interested in making changes, should e-mail you.  Keep a
running list of who offers to help.  The web site will be the place the
volunteers go to find instructions, updates, etc.  about the issue.  Think
of it this way: it's like having a meeting, but only it's on a web site.
Make a list of things you want to accomplish; i.e. get someone to be granted
a tour of MF.  Figure out how to get a study going into the relation of
illness/MF ferrets.  BTW, don't try to do the study to prove MF is the
cause, do an impartial study.  That's the only way we can truly help
ferrets!  Other stuff like that.  Organize your efforts.  Delegate duties.
Everyone needs to stop debating the issue and find out exactly what's going
on.  This project that I've just suggested shouldn't even just be about MF,
it should be to make sure that all commercial breeders are doing things
By the way, I had a thought on how to do a study.  It's not going to be
immaculate, but it would work.  Figure out how many ferrets you want to
study.  50 per breeder?  100 per breeder?  Figuring three major breeders
(MF, PV, FFF) that's between 150 and 300 ferrets.  There is NO way that we
can't find 300 people through FML or otherwise, that are EXPERIENCED ferret
owners, that would be willing to succumb to ferret math and get a new
fuzzbutt or two, all in the name of ferretdom.  Someone organize, perhaps
the same person that does this thing I'm proposing, to keep in touch with
these people over the lives of these ferrets.  Send out monthly updates to
the folks participating, keep reminding them why they've got these ferrets.
Make sure they're all living in similar conditions (I know, it won't be
perfect).  Eating the same food, MAYBE.  Getting regular vet check ups.
Etc.  IT WOULD WORK, not perfectly but it would work.
If anyone is interested in organizing something like this (either the
breeder thing, the study, or both) and would like to ask me more about how
to go about organizing, please e-mail me and I'd love to tell you how I'm
doing this with the rabies page.  It's not hard and you'd be doing something
much more productive than bickering.  It will also make BIG happy cuz it
will essentially get the MF debate outta here for good.  (Perhaps he'd offer
you space for the web site, if he's got it to offer!)
I have one more thought that I have to throw out there, feel free to e-mail
me in private if you think BIG will kill you for keeping the MF issue
alive :-)  About the cost of ferrets: I have always believed that the price
of ferrets should go up, way up.  Think about it.  Already the cost of a
ferret makes some undesirables unlikely to buy one.  But some still get
through and pay for a ferret.  If raising the cost of a ferret went up to,
say, $200 or so (that is, MF raises it's cost, not the pet stores
themselves), that would be more money for MF to use for studies, tracking,
making their facilities safer, whatever.  Don't try to tell me people won't
pay it.  Pet stores get six or more ferrets in per week, and they are GONE.
It might, however, make people think a little harder about getting a ferret
before they do it.  The more you pay for something, the better you're likely
to care for it, right?  Well, usually, anyway.  I think that this
organization I proposed should think hard about this issue, perhaps approach
MF with it at some point.
I welcome any and all comments/criticisms, just please remember that all
that is on my agenda is to do what is best for the ferrets.  As always.
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 1997]