Hi Everyone!
Writing this because I'm having a little problem with my squirt Tabita....
she insists on *attacking* my daughter!  Tabitha is one of my four new
adoptees.  (I've had her for about a month now....)She is a very good little
girl in every respect other then this!  I have scruffed her, "no'd" her, put
her in timeout, and she STILL persists!  And I am not talking a little bite
here and there, she literally goes after her big time.  And if she's
scruffed and runs to hide, she goes up into the couch and bites from the
cushions.... Any suggestions so that my daughter can resume her activity of
watching TV or just doing things in general?
I have told my daughter (Manna) to show Tabitha that she is the 'hooman' and
Tabitha should listen.  Manna is 7 and at this point she is scared to death
of Tabitha.  Manna has never been scared a day of her life of an animal
considering her mommy ALWAYS has had them around.  Here you see this little
fert purposesly AGGREVATING Amanda, and I KNOW Tabitha isn't scared or
annoyed.  She just knows she can get away with it....
When I first introduced the new ferts into the house, Tabitha, Samantha and
Bubba ALL tried this with the dogs.  Not the pups so much but more the big
dogs.  Bandit and Clarice are so good natured, the fuzzies found a new
playtoy and just ran all over the big dogs, getting on their backs, walking
around them, etc.  The dogs just laid their rolling their eyes at their
mom...More?  MOM, MORE?  Then, these three fuzzies at different times all
decided it would be GREAT to see what Bandit and Clarice tasted like.  That
lasted a total of one (1) time.  With each of them.  They don't bother
Bandit and Clarice anymore.....;)
Anyway, all the fuzzies have their runtime when I get off work.  I started
noticing Tabitha's behaviour when she went after Manna and a friend of hers.
Immediately put an end to that and Tabitha was scruffed and put in timeout
for about 15 mintues.  Pitiful little face peeking out of the cage...
Helpful hints?  Next?  Manna will carry a water bottle.  Anymore would be
appreciated.  Hard to sit on a couch with wet cushions!
Thanx, Karen
Morrow:  the wardancing queen! "wardance, wardance, mommmy, MOMMMY LOOK!
Hopps:  "Oh, life is goooddddd! ferretone, bags, kisses, kisses, kisses!
Where's Bubba?  I want to play!"
Bubba:  "YOUR MINE Hopps, you won yesterday, but I'm king today!,
Oh...nevermind, I'm tired..think I'll just lay flat for awhile!"
Samantha: "hmmmm, I'm not too sure about this, hmmmm, should I just go
LOOK at it, hmmmmmm, yep, nope, yep, well ok"
Daisy: "MOMMMMMYYYYY, MOMMMYYYYYYY!, - Gotta find Mommy!"
Tabitha:  "I'm an aggrevating FOOL" hahahhaha
Bandit and Clarice:  "Geez, you all, GET OFF!"
Sweetpea and Snipper:  "Hey, the toys are out again!"
[Posted in FML issue 1997]