Hi all...
Well, today was my birthday and so I decided to go out and find me a new
ferret.  I swear, ferret math is on the brain!!  So I went to a local pet
store and found the most ADORABLE ferret.....so i bought him.....I had
checked him over at the store and he looked pretty healthy.  I got him home
and introduced him to my other fuzz butts.  They were really sweet and
gently with him and this suprised me.  With other new ferrets my two boys
were aggressive in letting the new ferret know who was boss....I couldn't
figure out what was the difference with this ferret.....well, I decided to
give Rex a bath (the new kit) and when I went to examine him again, I
noticed that he had alot of crusties in the penis area.  So I called Tracey
at my ferret rescue (she is the director and knows all the good medical
stuff.....i am slowly learning so I can help her out some day as the rescue
grows larger) and she told me to take the ferret back right away...that he
was VERY sick and she had just been there twice that day trying to get the
people to understand just how sick the ferrets were.  So I took my little
boy back because she told me that he would probably die on me really soon
and since i didn't have much money at the time that I should take him back.
It was sooo hard..  They said they would take him to the vet tomorrow but I
think they will either put him to sleep or sell him to some owner that
doesn't know just how sick he is... I think it's the latter because
apparently, Tracey had talked to the same person who sold him to me.  She
talked to her TWICE, telling her he was sick.....hmmmm.......needless to
say, i was heartbroken on my birthday with no ferret kit to cuddle with.  I
will no longer EVER buy a ferret from there again.  Guess I will stick with
my shelter rescues as they need homes and are generally healthy....I'm still
hoping that a ferret will just spring up out of nowhere for my birthday....
please God....send a little siamese male kit to my door.....I know he is out
there looking for me *giggle* Hey MISTER BOB CHURCH.......the picture didn't
work!!!  *grin* Oh well......I guess in person will be a surprise!!!!!!
(BTW, where were YOU on my birthday??  I think you need to come deliver a
male siamese to me......hahahhaha) Anyways, just had to tell my heart
breaking story....i was sooo attached to the little guy....love at first
sight..... HOWEVER, on a brighter note.....a little girl got turned into the
rescue that was in season for a long time.......we are breeding her now and
once she is out of season we will abort the babies and have her
fixed....Apparently she is too sick right now to carry babies...(how
sad)....BUT, I get her once she is fixed.....her name is Emily and i get to
fatten her up and give her a wonderful home......YEA!!!!  So, I guess I get
a new addition in a couple of weeks.....I don't wanna wait that long
though....*giggle* geesh......ferret math is a most wonderful aweful
math!!!!!!  BTW!!  I forgot to say this.....i think that the reason my other
ferrets didn't attack Rex, is that they knew he was sick and needed special
attention and love.....and so thats what they gave him......anyone have
experiences with this kind of thing???  I think it wonderfully,
intelligently sweet.....
Eddie       Hey mom..what happened to the new guy....he sure liked my
                bed.....is he comin home soon to play?
Chester   Ummmm Mom?? Where did that little guy go?? I was havin sooo
               much fun playin with him....i even shared my
               treats.....is he comin home soon mom??
[Posted in FML issue 1997]