Hi, everyone. I haven't posted much lately. First Frankie died suddenly of
lymphosarcoma in April; then my dad died June 12 of an aggressive form of
lung cancer.
Now it appears Angel may have lympho. She's always had some hind leg
weakness, as I've posted before. Suddenly Friday in the middle of the
night, she started vomiting. This continued the next morning, when she
also developed very slimy diarrhea. I took her to my vet, who noticed her
lymph glands were swollen and hard, and that possibly her spleen was
swollen as well. She aspirated a lymph gland and sent a sample out for
testing along with a blood test. She prescribed amoxycillin, just in case
Angel had an infection, even though she did not have a fever, and
prednisone. After a day or so of both these medications, Angel's stools
got a little firmer, though they are still seedy, and she is eating
However, the results don't tell us much; they show only fatty tissue. My
choices now are not encouraging: either continue Prednisone for as long as
it is effective or do a biopsy of the lymph gland for pathologic analysis.
There's no point in a biopsy unless I'm interested in chemotherapy. I have
the impression from the Ferret FAQ that the prognosis is poor either way,
and have real doubts about subjecting my furbaby to 8 weeks of needles,
blood tests, multiple oral medications, IVs, and possible harmful side
effects. My vet will go either way.
I estimate that Angel is about 5 years old.
Would those of you with experience in treating this disease please write
me directly about chemotherapy for lymphosarcoma and the likely outcome?
I am leaving town for a week Sunday, and would appreciate responses before
then, because it would be good to make a decision soon. I do have
qualified ferret lovers who will care for Angel while I am away.
Thanks so much in advance for your help.
        Linda, Esperanza, Lucky Charm, and Angel (and a new guy who
        hasn't been named yet)
[Posted in FML issue 1996]