This post mostly responds to Bill Killian about my post on Marshall Farms.
>This work (breeder placement program) is progressing lets not spoil that
>work by getting nasty.
I didn't think I was getting nasty, and I'm sorry if that was the tone it
took.  Was simple stating my 2 cents about MF and my feelings about their
policies like everyone else on this forum.  Didn't mean to get feather's
ruffled and I certainly didn't mean to be "nasty".
>What is wrong?  Their ferrets are high quality unless you choose to insult
>the ferrets you yourself own and the majority of the readers of this
>newsgroup.  Their supplies are also first rate.  Absolutely.
This, I must admit, was written by my anger not my reason!!  I apologize
about that, just get so darn mad about the things I hear.  Bill, you've got
me dead to rights.  My ferrets are WONDERFUL and their supplies are very
top-notch!!  Got carried away, and I apologize!!
>Did you ever say these are what you would ask her about?  If someone was to
>ask me about something as viciously worded as "early kill" I'd never return
>calls either.  After all the nasty mail and threats they get they have
>reason to be afraid of a noisy minority of ferret owners.
To answer your question, yes I have told her that these are the issues that
I'd like to speak to her about, over and over again.  I must admit that this
part of the letter got me really ticked off, but with the guidance of my
wonderful wife, I was able to cool down before writing this.  Thanks Tara,
I'm sure the whole FML actually thanks you for that one.  I don't want to
get into a fighting match!!  I do, however, believe that if MF does practice
"early kill" policies for their breeders, then that is what it should be
called.  I don't think it is "vicious" at all, simple stating what is
actually happening there.  Why sugar coat the truth with phrases like
"breeder retirement program" or some other low-profile politically correct
phrase.  IF they do the deed, they should be confronted with what is
actually going on, I'll stick with Early Kill policy, sorry if that offends
anyone, but that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it!!  I still don't think
that this gives a company ANY reason not to return messages from clients,
regardless of what the message was about, are THEY not there to serve US?
That's what I thought at least.  And finally, since I don't wanna get into
more trouble than I already am, this part of this message bothered me the
OWNERS".  And, yes, I'm still pretty ticked about that!!!  That's the only
thing that I couldn't rationally calm down about.  I think it was totally
off base and plain rude.  If you'd like to see the letter that I wrote to
Miss vonAmmon, I will try to find it, but I don't think that I still have it
saved, but the main point of it was that "I had heard some DISTURBING RUMORS
about things going on at MF and would really like to talk to someone with
the knowledge to clear up these issues." I wasn't angry or "nasty" but calm
and worried.  I just wanted some answers to some of these problems I was
hearing about.  If caring about my fuzzies health and well-being makes me "A
by the number of entries concerning MF and these issues, I SERIOUSLY DOUBT
>From:    Rochelle Newman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: MF statistics
I must say that I had to read your post twice before totally understanding
your point. :)  I do agree with you in the fact that this particular study is
meaningless when trying to determine the cause of adrenals, cancers, etc...,
but that wasn't the point I was making.  I was simple stating that of 150
predominantly MF ferrets, almost 33% contracted problems (even though it is
a common ferret problem, that still scares both of us!!  :) As well it
should!!) I agree that the cause NEEDS to be found to do any good with these
statistics, but I also see MANY people on here calling for studies about MF
ferrets.  Isn't that kind of what this is?  I mean how many ferrets need to
be studied.  I also (being a biochemist) see the need for a control group
and studies on other farms or ferret breeders!!  This is also very
important, but since MF is still number 1 in the ferret selling business,
this is easier said than done.
>Trying to evoke an emotional response based on faulty statistics does not
>get us any closer to solving the real problem, and by focusing entirely on
>MF, we're ignoring a lot of the other possible causes for this disease.
This was not my intention AT ALL!!  I wasn't going for an emotional response
to this issue.  I was simply stating, that while this study may mean nothing
in the way that you have looked at it, it is a startling, meaningful
statistic on ferrets in general and MF ferrets in specific.  I have already
addressed that MF should NOT be the only source to be studied.
>After all, it might well be the case that if there had been 150
>non-MF ferrets, 45% of them would have gotten adrenal disease.
This is much more speculation and just plain made-up facts than I believe I
ever posted.  You could say that for anything.  It might well be the case
that 70% of non-MF ferrets get adrenal disease.  Not very probable, but it
MIGHT.  Just an observation based on your "statistics".
>From:    "Ilena E. Ayala" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: MF statistics
>Some of you shelter folks correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that ferrets
>which are brought to shelters have a higher incidence of medical problems
>than the overall population.  Isn't that sometimes why they are brought in,
>because the owner can't handle the $?
That's a VERY GOOD POINT.  I honestly didn't remember reading in the
original post.  That would skew that data on the high end I'm sure.
Again, this letter is mostly written by me, Chris, with some toning and
general guidance by Tara.  Hope this was a better explanation than my last
Take care and give the fuzzies a hug and kiss!!
Chris, Tara, and The Fuzzbutts
Boris - "Mommie, can I come in the kitchen to see you, PLEASE!!!"
Natasha - "YAWN, It's time to get up already"  and "HEY, I'm the ONLY girl?!?!
Misha - "Can I see how many cavities you have?  UP CLOSE!!"
Ivan "The Terrible" - "Who me, BAD, NEVER!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1992]