Dear diary,WOW!  I am so sorry I have not ben able to write my mom wanted to
stay longer!I had alot of fun and played with the kids.My mom made sure none
of them hurted me =>-+---= Oh guess what my mom made me a better page
well...It has background color this time!  (hey she have apsolutely NO
experance with web pages =>) so you should go check it out
Hey why doesn't it say CHUPA,the great ferret
well anyways
it's            http:/
it has more links the the last page and is a little better she still could
not get a ferret picture on it though =<.  if any one can help!please help
her put a picture of a ferret on it!' A clip art real picture ANYTHING!!
well I better get going I have to go eat,BYE,Chupa
CHUPA the freaky ferret!
[Posted in FML issue 2019]