I have an interesting tidbit.  I was in the bookstore the other day, and
came accross a book called "Jack Hanna's Ultimate Guide to Pets" authored
by Jack Hanna _with Hester Mundis_.  Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons,
copyright 1996, ISBN 0-399-14193-6.  Hardcover.
I too had a very low opinion of some of the things Mr. Hanna spouts about
ALL.  animals, not just ferrets.  Hester Mundis must be an incredible
fellow.  The reason I forked out the $33.95 + taxes (in Cdn, $24.95 US$),
was that reading the section on ferrets I was thrilled with the completeness
of the information!  It was superb compared to many other references I have
seen.  It covers common diseases *including* ECE, where ferrets are legal
(do you need a permit?), and how to find out (and it was current excluding
Mass. - we can't expect print material to be up to the second).  It also
lists compatible and incompatible pets, pet behavior, health and
vaccinations, much more good stuff, and a cute informational section at the
end called "JACK'S FACTS: FERRET RELATIVES ON THE BRINK".  I purchased the
book to use as an informational/educational tool for folks here in Calgary.
Clearly, Mr. Hanna can't be the sloth that we are all led to believe, or th
is stuff would never have gone out with his name on it.  I commend the
person who did all the research on it's contents, as it appears to be
thorough, (though I haven't read it cover to cover yet) without getting too
technical for the average pet owner.
Calgary Ferret Club
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"In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of certainty comes only once and
never again, no matter how many lifetimes you live."
Robert Kincaid/Robert James Waller _The Bridges of Madison County_
I forgot to mention the negative thing that I didn't appreciate in the book -
the chapter is titled "Rabbits, Ferrets, Potbellied Pigs and Other Outdoor
It assumes that everyone lives in a moderate climate, not too hot, not too
cold.  Definately erroneous for the southern states or norther states and
Canada.  It does have a section called "Cautions to Kkeep in Mind" that
mentions that "ferrets are susceptible to heat exhaustion and storke, ...
keep cage out of direct sunlight", and "Don't keep ...temperature of ...room
above 80F".  Not well worded.  Yet there are other considerations that are
very good.
There are also some good mentions about ferret nutrition.
As with everything we read, we must take it with a grain of salt.
[Posted in FML issue 2018]