Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that we had our first GLFA Rabies/Quarantine
Committee meeting last Saturday.  I thought it went really well for a first
meeting.  I will give you updates as we have more meetings.  If you see any
new rabies studies data out there, please let me know.  I am (unofficially
until the election) the medical research advisor, and I will be compiling
raw data from studies etc.  So, if you see anything out there you think I
should know about, let me know!
I have sent out ribbons now for all the orders I have received.  Thank you
so much to all of you who ordered ribbons.  I have both ribbons and "I'm a
Kodo Kommando" bumper stickers.  We are asking for a minimum donation of $1
for each ribbon and the bumper stickers are $5.  My turn-around time is
pretty good, so if you need one fast, I'm the one to order from!
To order ribbons:
1.  Send a self addressed stamped envelope
2   Tell me how many ribbons you want
3.  Make checks payable to:  G.L.F.A.
4.  Wear your ribbons everywhere when you get them!!
** People WILL ask you about the Kodo situation!
To order bumper stickers:
1.  Send $5 for each bumper sticker you want
2.  Make checks payable to G.L.F.A.
3.  Make your bumper sticker(s) visible!!
** Don't freak out if people honk.  They'll usually wave or give you the
"thumbs-up" sign!
Send to:
Katrina Ramsell
566 S. Park Blvd.
Lansing, MI 48910
Any questions or comments:
(517) 887-2030
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[Posted in FML issue 1991]