I have pretty much just stopped crying.  I went to the vet tonite,
subconsciencely knowing what i would probally have to do, but i was praying
i wouldn't have to.  The Dr. said he before we came he got the ferret books
out to see what could be wrong w/ my Xalamen, and he listed off a few
possible diseases, explained what they were and that they were untreatable
for the most part.  The last one he mentioned, was the one i was waiting
for, he had the symptoms of it.  Distemper, he had the crusty eyes, nose,
and feet, had a fever, couldnt use his hind legs, and could barely even hold
his head up.  He left the decision up to me of course, but i knew he thought
we should put him down.  I didnt think they could've done anything for him,
and i didnt want him to suffer anymore, so i had him put to sleep.
Last thursday when we went to the vet, Xalamen at least moved his hind legs,
and tried to walk and play, but this morning he couldnt.  He lost his
bladder control too.  The man we purchased him from said none of the others
have been sick, so the vet thinks that he might have gotten distemper from a
bad fervac-d vaccine.  The time space between when xalamen got his 1st vacc.
and when he got sick is a perfect fit.  Now we dont know for sure yet if he
had Distemper.  The Dr. is gonna run some tests to see what he had.
Thesis Xalamen was only 9 weeks old.  Only one week that i had him was he
healthy.  He was the sweetest kit I ever saw and/or owned.  I've never grown
so attached to an animal so quickly before, and i will definantly miss him.
If this post doesnt make sence, i'm sorry, like i said i had just stopped
crying, but now i've started again.  :(
[Posted in FML issue 2017]