>From:    "Paula R. Coalson" <>
>Subject: vaccinations
Ferret shots:
new kit - distemper at 8 weeks, 11-12 weeks, 14-15 weeks (i.e. booster at
every 3-4 week interval).  If purchased at the pet shop, ask the arrival
date the kit came in and give the second booster 3 weeks after that date.
Third booster in 3-4 weeks.
Rabies can be administered as early as 12 weeks, but keep this shot separate
from the distemper by 1 or 2 weeks.  No booster is needed.
new adult - no known shot record?  Vaccinate against distemper and then
boost 3-4 weeks later.
Rabies can be administered at any time, but keep this shot separate from the
distemper by 1 or 2 weeks.
If you know the ferret was inoculated within the last year, then only one
shot is needed to keep them current.  If you want to move a new ferret to
your present ferret(s) schedule, or visa versa, then as long as it has been
a month since the previous shot, go ahead and re-vaccinate.
Annual boosters are required for distemper and rabies.  Keep these shots
separate by 1-2 weeks and in case of reactions, wait at the vets for at
least 20 minutes after the shot is given.
Recommended vaccines are Galaxy-D and Fervac-D for distemper.  Imrab 3 is
the ONLY approved rabies vaccine for ferrets at this time.  There have been
vaccine reactions reported in FERVAC and the company is recommending
pre-vaccine injections of Benadril.  Call 800-283-6465 for exact dosages or
to report reactions.
Pamela Troutman Grant
[Posted in FML issue 2017]