My vet said he got in his first adrenal tumor recently.  He talked to two
other vets about testing and got two different answers and now he's
confused.  So (1) the most definitive is the University of Tenesse Adrenal
Panel right?  He has to send a specimen of what to where?  and (2) whats the
test he can try to do in his office (pretty well equipped 6 vet practice) to
get a heads up type diagnosis?  I did mention that I had seen that Dr.
Williams had done total adrenal removal on the right side (that's the tough
one with the vein right?) but he said he didn't think he was ready for that.
This is Michigan so experienced vets are hard to come by.
About buying in pet stores and the comments about "but I would never have
known about ferrets if..." Hey its just my personality but I tie this in
with overall responsible pet ownership (you know the big picture).  For the
first 5 years after leaving home I couldn't responsibly get a pet and know
that I could keep it for its life.  So I didn't.  But others around me would
try and have to give them up (military dorms, college dorms).  I was finally
in a position where I felt comfortable with the idea that I could get a cat.
So I did.  One, neutered.  And kept it through several moves till it died at
12 (yes I was lucky I never faced any unforseen personal or financial
catastrophe's).  Now I'm in a position where I felt comfortable with getting
a dog (well the ferrets came first, via my nephew who bought at a pet store
and then moved to Hawaii) and so I have one dog.  And 2 ferrets.  Which for
me is all I can handle though I'd love to have another cat.  For me if
owning a pet means I have to get it from someplace I disapprove of - no pet
(unless its a rescue and yes I understand the urge to rescue from pet
stores, bad breeders etc.).  If some Supreme Being said "Mary, would you be
willing to not have any more pets if I put a stop to all pets suffering and
being shunted around and living in basements when people are tired of them,
or even just ferrets not being cast aside when the novelty has worn off"
would I do it?  Yes.  Though I'm single with almost no family and my pets
mean so much to me.  I'm not a martyr.  That's not going to happen.  So I
just try to think ahead about my situation and act accordingly.  I try to
put my money where my mouth is (without being a total fanatic).  I try to do
my little bit.  And yes I have made stupid mistakes with pets.  Had them and
been ignorant etc.  Probably would have bought a dog at a pet store at some
point if I thought I could keep it (before puppy mills became so famous
there's almost no excuse, at first I thought ferrets were wild animals and
was mad when Michigan first legalized).  But as I get older I hope I have
learned to learn and never stop.  I understand buying ferrets at pet stores
until you find out that the ARE responsible breeders out there, RESCUE is
out there.  Hey - if ferrets are being sold in pet stores in your area then
you can bet your bottom dollar that if you wait you'll eventually see a
ferret looking for a home in the paper, on the grocery store or vet bulletin
My other point is that if you want ferrets to be treated the same as dogs
and cats, i.e. quarantine periods, Humane Societies with ferret cages and
adoption programs, recognized approved vacines etc.  then why would you buy
from a pet store if you wouldn't a dog or cat?  Ferrets are equal!  We all
know about puppy mills.  There's a pet store in town that was buying from a
local ferret breeder who is essentially a small ferret mill.  His conditions
probably passed USDA muster but he didn't treat his ferrets like companion
animals.  Just as breeders.  To me that's the same as a cow.  You may eat
beef but would you wear ferret mittens?  So why buy from a mill by buying
from a pet store?  Ok, so maybe that last bit is slightly ridiculous but it
makes perfect sense to me:)
Mary, Boris, Giesela and Booker (the rescue dog)
[Posted in FML issue 2012]