Hey all--
Well, because I was an idiot, I ended up bathing my group of ferrets twice
last week.  Once when the 3 new ones joined the household (they needed it,
and my previous 2 were due), and once when I stupidly sprayed household
cleaner on them (Odo-ban), thinking it was water (trying to cool them down).
So two baths in a week ... and what do you think happened?
I started having a major odor-control problem.  Those five ferrets smelled
more after two baths than they had before the 1st bath.  I clean the litter
box twice a day, change bedding 2-3 times a week, change the liner in the
tray under the cage every other day, and vaccuum every other day.  And none
of that was helping.
So today being cage-cleaning and bedding changing day, I was trying to think
of how to deoderized the ferrets.  And a thought came to me while lugging a
new bag of litter to the car.  Dump the litter in a box and let them dig to
their heart's content.  I use Barnaby Farms Pet Bedding, which I get for
8.99 for 20 lbs, and the fuzz-butts love to spill it out of the bag and play
in it.  (I checked out PetCo's Ferret Litter also today ... looks like the
same stuff I use, but 9.99 for 8 lbs!!!  If the package says "ferret" on it
and you can find somehting similar that doesn't, the brand that says
"ferret" is probably way overpriced :-)
Anyway, after a nice digging session in a carboard box of filled with clean
litter, my babies all smell like fresh wood instead of strong musk.  Very
BTW--I did hear a little bit of coughing from one or two fuzzies afterward,
so I wouldn't reccomend doing this real regularly.  But I was getting
desperate, and Barnaby Farms pellets aren't all that dusty, so I thought it
was worth a try.
Ps--A friend of mine is doing a cross stitch, and she needs to know the
spelling for "I love you" in Swedish and in Irish.  If anyone knows this
much of either of these languages, please drop me a note at
<[log in to unmask]> Thanks!
"Until our paths find us together
        may you forever
          go in peace."
--Mike Rayburn (comic entertainer and acoustic rock artist)
[Posted in FML issue 2012]