No, this has nothing to do with MF numbers...
The other evening I was watching Cully stash small piles of food all around
my parents' guest room (moving day will be interesting, when it comes).  On
his way from the food dish to a stash spot, he dropped one piece of food.  I
picked it up and chucked it back in the dish.  When he reached his spot, he
put down the pieces of food in his mouth, and carefully inspected them-- I
could swear he was counting them, "one, two... one, two... one, two... but
where's three?" He then went back and looked for the piece he'd dropped,
which of course he didn't find.  Silly ferret.  I don't know-- what do
people think?  Can ferrets count?  Of course he may have been remembering
that he dropped a piece, but he really did seem to be counting the pieces he
still had.  Just how clever are they...
Did I understand the letter quoted from the ASPCA correctly in that the
organization appears to believe that domestic ferrets and European stoats
are the one and the same species?  Perhaps we shouldn't encourage them to
become political in CA again, but this is a little unbelievable.  Do they
make this stuff up as they go along?  Obviously they don't open any books
before writing their position statements where ferrets are concerned.  Even
looking at pictures would have told them the difference.  Is it worth
contacting them about this, most politely, or should one let sleeping
ignoramuses lie?
All the best to _everyone_,
Cully the bean counter
Amelia, who knows "none" and "more"
[Posted in FML issue 1991]