We also HIGHLY recommend Dr. Terry McGrath for ferret problems in the West
Chester/Philadelphia area.
Dr. Terry McGrath
1601 Margo Ln
West Chester, PA 19380
(Its just off Rt 3, near where N Middletown Rd (which I think is 352?)
He was recommended to us via the AFA, and has turned out to be a great vet
for ferrets and other exotics in general.  He is the "store" vet consultant
for my wife's pet store and has helped extensively with even minor problems
in a fast and effective way.  We recommend that anyone in the area who is
currently unhappy with the vet services for their fuzzies contact Terry.
Chris, Tara, and the FuzzButts.
Boris - "I like Dr. McGrath, he's really nice!! He didn't even get mad when
         I broke his needle!!  Hee Hee"
Natasha - "Dr. McGrath, AHHHHH that means a shot, PLEASE DADDY I'd rather be
Ivan - "He's a nice guy!!  I like him lots"
Misha - "YEAH I get to go in the car!! Hey, wait a minute, this isn't the
         way to the park!!!  AAHHHHHH"
Nikolai - "Who's Dr. McGrath?  Does he like to PLAY PLAY PLAY!! I sure hope
           he does!!"
[Posted in FML issue 2009]