First of all, I would like to say thank you, Bob C, for reconsidering
leaving the FML (happy happy joy joy).  I truly enjoy reading both your
posts and those of your daughter.  BTW, when can we start calling you Dr.
Bob?  ;^)
alphachi-- regarding U of BM
I know exactly what you mean-- our Poncho was recently sick, and my SO and I
talked more about the quality and frequency of his corner visits than any
other subject for over a week.  We even had a couple of similar scenes at
our vet's office <G> So either we are both just odd, or are so completely
under the influence of FLO that we have lost most human sensibilities
(hmm... would that really be a bad thing?)
last topic-- singing to my ferts
Yes, I admit that I sometimes sing to my guys.  They're actually the only
ones who don't run screaming from the room... I will pick Buster up, and
sing things like "tubby Buster" to the tune of various pieces of classical
music to which I don't know the name.  Buster doesn't sem to enjoy this very
much, since I usually pick him up and dance him to the tune of my little a
capella ditties, but at least I enjoy it.
Buster "geez, mom, do you *have* to sing? all I wanted was a raisin."
Poncho  "well at least you can use the corner in peace"
[Posted in FML issue 2008]