First my apologies to anyone who got their hairs raised.
Hi I was the originator of the article about wood fuel pellets.  I was using
Lignetics Wood Pellet Fuel.  This particular wood fuel pellet does not break
down very quickly.  For a week we mixed the two litters and the ferrets were
on it for a month before disaster happened.  I had baby ferrets die and two
that got very sick.  Another ferret club member also got blockage.  We did
and autopsy and stools samples of other ferrets and half had tried the
pellets and was still trying to pass the pellets even when giving them
laxatone to help clear them up a week later after switching back to my old
I am finding out there are different manufacturers of wood fuel pellets.  I
went back to using my recycled newspaper litter called Cell-Sorb Plus -
wonderful stuff but a little expensive and when running a shelter it gets
costly.  When I came upon Luv My Kitty - Even the ferrets that tried to eat
it came out clean a few days later.  It breaks up very very quickly.  Which
actually bothered me because it is saw dust when broke down and I was
worried about them breathing saw dust up their noses.  So far this doesn't
seem to be a problem.
On the digestible part - I missworded it.  The Luv My Kitty is passing
through their system where the Lignetics Wood Pellet Fuel didn't.
Sorry this sounded like an ad.  There is very little profit to selling the
Luv My Kitty Litter - I just wanted to make it available for anyone who was
My only real intention was to have ferret owners take extra precautions when
switching litters just to save money.  I ended up paying a very high price.
It wasn't easy to figure out what was making the sick.  Their stool did not
change color, consistency, or size until it was too late.
Again my apologies.
Lori Sies
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[Posted in FML issue 1991]