Dear Friends,
I'm usually a lurker here, however, my brother-in-law called the other night
saying that he had found a ferret along side of the road in Bozemon, MT.  He
didn't know what to do with him so he called me.  It sounds like he is in
good condition.  I haven't received the FML for the last couple of days
(delayed??) so I don't know if there have been any posts.  This ferret is a
whole male and my brother-in-law took him to the humane society after
finding out that they did take ferrets and didn't put them to sleep.
Regardless, if you have lost a ferret in Bozemon, MT you will likely find
him at the Humane Society.  I get the FML at work so if you try to contact
me understand that I won't likely get the message until after the weekend.
Phil Heppner
[Posted in FML issue 2007]