>M. Max wrote,
>>I don't have a solution other than to stop pet store trade in ferrets all
>Are are saying to stop selling ferrets in petstores all together in this
>paragraph?  To stop selling fuzzies in reputable petstores would only hurt
>our ability to further educate people about ferrets!  In alot of
>circumstances petstores are the only way an unknowing person has any type
>of interaction with them.
>Perhaps I'm misreading it?
Nope you were not.  Pet stores make it possible for places like MF to stay
in business.  Without a vehicle to move all those ferrets MF wouldn't have
the numbers of retired breeder that they have because they wouldn't be able
to sell all the kits they breed.  Pet stores, even the best ones promote the
concept that animals are a product to be bought and sold, on impulse, with
more regard for the immediate "need" of the human than regard for the long
term needs of the animal.  I don't consider this education.  All it is is
popularization.  If you mean that that ferrets are becoming popular pets due
to their presence in pets then I would agree with you.  I'm just not sure
that this is necessarily a good thing.
I've had ferrets living in my home for over 15 years now.  I consider my
ferrets a part of my family and when I make family decisions, their needs
are part of that decision.  I regarded them that way when I got them.  I
would no more get rid of my ferret because I couldn't find housing to
accommodate him then I would get rid of my husband because our job needs
might be in conflict.  If my ferret gets sick, it gets treatment, period.  I
would not take in a ferret as a pet that I couldn't or wasn't willing to
care for.  (Shelters occupy a different place in the scheme of things in my
mind because their mission is to take in unwanted or displaced pets and I
bless them for it).  The people I don't understand are the ones that buy
that cute kit and then are surprised at the cost of the medical care ect
that they are confronted with down the line.  From what I see on this list
on occasion (one that comes to mind is the person breeding ferrets with not
enough money to take them to a vet when needed) and from what I hear around
me, many people do not regard their pets as trusts and responsibilities but
rather as entertaining objects that are nice when convenient and disposable
when not.  That is the concept of pets that I think pet stores promote.
Poor is not the issue here either, so don't label me as bigoted against poor
people.  There are people who don't have alot of money that choose
responsibly to only take on the ferrets (or kids for that matter) that they
can reasonably expect to be able to take care of and this is good.  Others
aren't in a position to take care of themselves let alone someone else (and
some of these have enough money just not enough sense).  These are the
people that someone else ends up having to pick up the slack for.  I think
most of you know what I mean.  Anyone can find themselves in a position to
need help occassionally but to always or most always be in that position and
to take on the care of an animal is not showing love, its showing disregard
for the welfare of that animal.
Feeling a strong need to have a ferret is not the same as having the ability
to take care of that ferret.  There is no right to something without
[Posted in FML issue 2006]