Re: Elizabeth and Bob Church
>I am very sorry that I am leaving like this but according to the rumors I
>read most of the FML will be happy not to read my stories anyway.  Dad is
>also very upset, and has even said to me that he might stop posting to the
>FML because of it.  I will still get my mail at dads mailbox for the rest of
It's a nasty and false rumor that most of the FML would be happy to not read
your stories.  I have found both your and your dad's posts to be quite
enjoyable and I know I'm not alone.  (In fact, I am certain your father's
mailbox was quite full emails after your post saying much the same.)
While there are plenty of FML subscribers who have read the FML longer then
I have, I have been an FML subscriber longer then the majority of people now
subscribing.  I used to have time to read every word of the FML.  (It used
to be much shorter then it is now too.) I also use to post more regularly.
Now I post infrequently and choose which articles I will read.  Your
father's and your posts are some that I always make a point to read.  Your
posts are incredibly amusing and I have learned a great deal from your
father's.  I will miss your posts and your father's should he also retire
from the FML.
It's become a fact of life that there are "a few bad apples" in every
electronic forum whether it be mailing lists, newsgroups, or what have you.
The key to enjoying any electronic forum is to realize that these bad apples
are 1.) not the majority, 2) don't share the views of the majority, 3)
craving attention, and 4) sad pathetic individuals with nothing better to do
in life then harass and insult others so they can feel "superior" to someone
else.  The only real thing to do with these people is to ignore them.
Allowing such individuals to spoil your enjoyment of the FML or any other
forum is a victory for them and a loss for you.
Re: Another ferret in trouble in Michigan
My hats off to the man who would rather go to jail then give up his ferret
for rabies testing.  I know if I had the misfortune to be in a similar
situation, I'd get thrown in jail as well.  My ferrets are family and nobody
is going to take them and kill them without going through me first.
Re: Uh...has anyone tried singing to your ferts?
All the time!!  I mangle songs to fit the ferretness of the situation
too. ;)  My boy Atlas loves to be sung to.
-kim, squirt (King Fuzz), pippi (Thief of Hearts), atlas (The Enforcer),
 and 'jinx (lickety-lick lickety-lick CHOMP!)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2006]