Hello FML!
I wrote for advise deciphering the FAQ about a week ago.  Thank you to
everyone that answered.  I took Tobi to see the vet on Friday.  I drove a
loooong way so Tobi could see who I had heard has one of THE BEST.  I met
Dr. Kawasaki all the way at Woodbridge, VA.  Frankly, I was expecting to
meet an oriental dr. who loved ferrets.  HA, he does love ferrets, but he
is no oriental!  Of course, just making the appointment was funny.  Imagine>
Mercedes was calling to make an appointment with Kawasaki.=) Even he got a
laugh at that one.
Anyways, he checked Tobi and re-checked Tobi.  He did blood work, urine test,
checked and checked.  Felt and kept feeling all of Tobi's skinny bony body.
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, he didn't find anything.
I did receive various posts asking how Tobi has kept.  At the beggining I
might have misinterpreted some of them, but now understand they were good
intentions.  I do consider myself as a responsible ferret owner.  I have
ferrets because I love them and have done everything by the book.  The
reason I asked help with the FAQ and did not take Tobi to the vet sooner is
because less than a week before I had been to one vet with the same symptoms
and got the same answers as I did from Dr. K.  Neither could tell me why Tobi
was losing weight or crying at night.  I thank the people who responded with
best wishes or experiences of their own.
FYI, both Tobi and Matilda are housed in a cage while I am at work.  The
cage is kept in my bedroom, which is air-conditioned.  They both eat Iams
kitten food, and because I couldn't find wood pellets in the Home Depot
closest to me, they use shredded newpaper as litter.  They are both up to
date in their shots and they both get the run of the whole apartment when I
am there.  I make it a point that the first thing I do in the morning is say
good morning to my babies and get them out of their cage.  It is only after
I have done that that I can start my day and tend to my family obligations.
I am only letting you all know this so no one can tell me that I was being
irresponsible for not taking TOBI to the vet or assuming I am not a
responsible ferret owner.
Again, thank you to everyone that sent me nice messages or tried to help me
out with the experience and knowledge.  Special thanks go out to Bill
Killian, who so promply answered my private e-mail and took the time to
leave detailed messages and work and home.  I don't personally know Diane or
Bill Killian, but this is the second time they have helped me (The first is
early this year when I asked for help with Rita, who went over the Rainbow
Bridge due to the fact that, contrary to popular belief, Rita was a
diabetic).  From their actions, and contrary to recent postings, they are
very helpful people, seem to care an awful lot for ferrets and nice too.  =)
For one, I would like to say to them THANK YOU and if in any way I can
reciprocate to thank you, I will.
Thank you to everyone.
Mercedes Rochac
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p.s.: Mr. and Mrs. Sanders: Dr. Jean Wardell (Austin Vet Clinic) apparently
is not assisting new ferrets patients.  I tried booking an apointment with
her in early may and that is the response that I got.  Maybe things have
changed now.  Hopefully.  I hear she is VERY good also.
[Posted in FML issue 2005]