Hello there fellow ferret lovers!
I am posting this message on Foxx's behelf because her little paws hurt so
much from working so hard on her webpage!  She is in the Site Fights and can
use all the support she can get!
For those of you not familiar with her page, the URL is
The URL to vote is
We'd like to show the Internet that animals are more than just pets, so
please support Foxx with your vote.  You can vote once per day!
Thank you all!
***HUGS 'n' DOOKS***
Starr and Foxx
Need a little fun in your life?  Come visit Foxx=92s Funhouse!
Support fun on the Internet!  Please vote for us in the Site Fights  :)
Come see our new =93Fun Stuff=94 page with Trivia contests and games!
[Posted in FML issue 1965]