Shari Diane <[log in to unmask] writes:
>Why not try a crock-lock water *bowl*?  It's plastic and screws onto the
>cage wires - call your area pet stores, about $6.
We have three (1 large and 2 small) of the crock-lock water bowls in Bandit,
Slinky and Rascal's cage.  They are great because the ferts can't tip them
over and they don't leak onto the floor of the cage like the water bottles!
They also provide entertainment ... Rascal prefers to stick her whole face
(over her eyes!) in the water to drink.  When she's done, she looks like a
drowned rat!!!  LOL Then she shakes her face dry.  Since Rascal usually
meets me in the cage when I give them fresh water, she's usually drinking
from the bowl as I'm screwing it onto the side of the cage.  Her drying off
shake usually comes while my face is still a scant few inches from the cage!
("Rascal, nooooo!  <sputter, sputter, sputter>")
Marc Wilson and the Tres Amigos
[Posted in FML issue 1958]