<in part also sent to the kodo list>
I'm going to fax Bay City prosecutors tomorrow and respectfully request that
they put their money where their mouths are - if they are so committed to an
interest in public health with regards to rabies risks in ferrets, then they
should clearly be glad to donate to the Morris Animal Foundation to assist
in the completion of the ferret rabies shedding studies.  Then they, like
the rest of us, can be fully aware of what the true rabies risks are that
ferrets present to us citizens.
I'm scraping together as much money as I can to send for the legal/media
fund.  And, every dollar I send to them, I will match in an equal donation
to the MAF, and until the shedding studies are completed, I will continue to
send money each month.  One dollar for each ferret you own, folks, at the
least.  If you haven't already, DO IT NOW.  We may even be able to start a
fund there in Kodo's name.  Even if not, every dollar you put towards the
ferret rabies studies is one dollar that goes towards preventing hundreds of
other dollars being spent in legal funds for a ferret of your own that's
been seized.  Heck, send in your ferrets' raisin monies - they've probably
got plenty of raisins hoarded up anyway.
To Bob J. and your family - I am so very, very sorry.  I hope the
determination and caring you see displayed by ferret owners around the
world is of some small comfort.  My thoughts remain with all of you.
To the rest of you - be extra special wonderful to your ferrets for this
month.  That extra kiss and that extra snuggle are of a worth beyond
Melissa, Potpie, Friday, Noodle, and Easel
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1970]